Thursday, June 14, 2012

Video: Obama contrasts his economic plan with Romney?s

>> economic speech at cuyahoga community college . what are your thoughts?

>> i thought this honestly was one of the least successful speeches i've seen barack obama give in several years. it was long-winded. he had a good argument to make. and at the beginning of the speech he seemed to be making it in a fairly compelling way but lost the thread and the speech was way too long and i think he lost his audience by the end.

>> 54-minute speech. for the first time we heard the president position mitt romney and his allies, mr. romney , and his allies in congress. clumping those two together.

>> look i think he was very -- the president was very effective in describing a position that his opponents' hold he and many democrats believe will not work. that was a very effective part of the speech. when he awewent way from offense to defense it became diffuse, in some sense as a political phenomenon it was ineffective in that respect because it characterizes the opponents as this is not going to work but didn't give you the sense of what will.

>> but what he did in categorizing what will not work is the example of this is the same theory according to the president that existed that resulted in the disaster that we saw with this economy, and his point was, that's's exactly what the person wants to take my job will do. that's what you can bet on.

>> that's a powerful argument. it didn't work in 2010 . it can work properly framed in 2012 for the president. but he needs to take that section of the speech, the best part of the speech, when he was raising the question of how you create jobs, how you move the country forward. he has to turn this, tamron into, the how election. but he didn't quite nail that point. in other words, this has to be an election about how we move forward and when that comparison is made, he'll stack up pretty well.

>> he said how we move forward at least in his estimation is by not go back to the same policies of the previous administration and laid the burden on the voter by saying if you want this deal, you can have the deal with mr. romney and his allies.

>> that was fairly convincing. he said you, the voter can break the stalemate. everybody knows if obama wins and there's a republican congress , we'll have more stalemate. but this competing vision idea that these roethlisberger tare two stark ly different dwrds how to create jobs and move forward as a country this is the how election. if anything comes out it should be that. i don't think he nailed that point.

>> he issues up the challenge to governor romney how he would reduce the deficit. how he would pay for tax cuts that are all about sure.

>> that was the effective part and the accurate part to say, looking if you are worried about the deficit and spending and worried about the future of the country what mitt romney is proposing, what the republicans are proposing, will actually make that concern much worse. and i have an idea here, he is saying as the democrats to address that issue that we all agree on. that's a much for effective tact but it has to come together if a much more forceful fashion.

>> thank you both. appreciate you sticking around. dueling speeches in last hour and a half from mitt romney and president obama both in the battleground state of ohio the first time they both have campaigned in a battleground state in

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